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Urology Surgery Cost in Mumbai, India

Plan your Urology Surgery in India with Tour2India4Health Consultants

Urology surgery is a field of surgical specialty addressing the surgical and medical diseases of the male and the female urinary tract system and the male reproductive organs.Tour2India4Health is #1 Medical Value Provider offering best Urology Surgery for over 10 years with 1000s of Satisfied Clients. All you have to do is send us your query, an assistant will contact you within 24 hours for interaction. The rest will be taken care of, so you only have to sit back and relax!

How things function at Tour2India4Health Group:

  1. Primary formalities : Arrangements for visas, guest house , consultation appointment with top Surgeon by Tour2India4Health Team.
  2. Professionalism : Utmost care taken in selecting best suitable surgery by best of the medical fraternity, ensuring fast recovery.
  3. No compromise in supremacy : Treatment by Internationally Accredited Surgeons.
  4. Special packages : We offer low cost Urology Surgery treatment options that suit your budget so you don't have to put your health at stake.
  5. Operational services : Arrangement of transportation, pre-surgery tests, medications, stay options for kin, health food as prescribed by attending doctors.
  6. Other vital facilities : Quick visa letter, air ticket bookings, language supporters, foreign exchange facility, hotel arrangement.

International Patient Experience

Mr. Jonathan, USA
Complex Urology Surgery in India

I was having some serious health condition for which my local doctor could not help me. I accessed the internet for options in Urosurgery, when I came across Tour2India4Health consultants. I informed them about my condition after which they sought my reports. Soon after, they informed me that I could be treated under expert hands at low rates, in Hyderabad. I reached Hyderabad India to have my surgery and I was absolutely thrilled with the results. I wish I'd access to this level of service years ago! Thanks again to Tour2india4health Consultants and Dr Bojwani for Urology Surgery at Hyderabad in India.

Urology Surgery Cost in India VS Other Countries (USA, UK, Thailand, & Singapore)

The Urology Surgery Cost in India anywhere between INR 1,60,000 ($2,000) to INR 4,80,000 ($6,000). The cost can vary depending on the type of surgery required, types of hospitals or doctors, preferred cities and other medical conditions of a patient.

India is the most preferable destination for patients who are looking for low cost Urology Surgery. The cost of the Urology Surgery in India is typically a fraction of the cost for the same procedure and care in the US and other developed countries. Comparing Urology Surgery cost in India with the same treatment procedure in other countries, the price for surgery would be 30-50% lower.

The costs of the Urology Surgery based on the type of the surgery required in various countries in the chart / table are given below. The price comparison is given in USD.

Type of Urology Surgery USA UK India Thailand Singapore
Cystoscopy $3,000 $2,400 $300 $425 $550
Inguinal Hernia $7,000 $5,500 $1,800 $2,500 $2,700
Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty $9,000 $7,500 $1,900 $2,800 $3,000
Radical Nephrectomy $18,000 $14,500 $4,500 $5,500 $6,800
Radical Prostatectomy $25,000 $20,000 $6,500 $8,000 $9,500
Lithotropsy $5500 $4,500 $1,400 $1,800 $2,200

*The price for the Urology Surgery is an average collected from the 15 best corporate hospitals and 10 Top Urology surgeons of India.

*The final prices offered to the patients is based on their medical reports and is dependent on the current medical condition of the patient, type of room, type of surgery, hospital brand and the surgeon's expertise.

How to get Low Cost Urology Surgery in India?

We have worked out special packages of the Urology Surgery for our Indian and International patients. You can send us your medical reports to avail the benefits of these special packages.




Urology addresses everything from reproductive problems in male patients to urinary issues in either sex; surgeons may operate on the bladder, kidneys, ureter, or genitals. At one extreme, full reconstruction of urinary or reproductive systems is an option. At the other, urology boasts a number of less invasive, technologically sophisticated methods to deal with delicate structures. Among every six, one suffers from urinary system problems. Uro-surgery in India will be the best solution to them for this problem.

What is Urology Surgery?

Urology surgery is a field of surgical specialty involved in the surgical evaluation and treatment of diseases involving the organs of the excretory system [kidneys, ureters, bladders, prostate, testicles, penile organs, etc.]. The surgical procedure mainly comprises of urogenital procedures like inguinal hernia surgery, total cystectomy, bladder tumor surgery, and many other urosurgery procedures.

Why visit Urologist?

Symptoms that may lead you to visit a urologist often involves problems with urination. You may experience difficult urination. You may have a burning pain during urination. Sometimes, patients notice blood in their urine or on the toilet paper. Other patients may seek help for frequent urination during the night. Men who seek an urologist's help may suspect that they have erectile dysfunction. They may experience impotence. Other patients may have problems with urinary incontinence, which is involuntary leakage of urine. Your doctor may want to run some tests during your first visit, in addition to a routine physical exam. He may run tests on your urine and blood. You may also undergo a pelvic exam and possibly x-rays. Sometimes, tests are scheduled for a later date, rather than on your first visit. For example, if you undergo a cystoscopy, which is an examination of the bladder, this will not likely happen on the first visit. When a diagnosis is reached, carefully consider all possible treatment options with your urologist.

What are common Urology disorders?

  1. Recurrent urinary tract infections
  2. Urinary incontinence; overactive bladder
  3. Interstitial cystitis
  4. Prostatitis
  5. Enlarged prostate
  6. Kidney stones
  7. Male and female infertility
  8. Sexual dysfunction (male or female)
  9. Cancers throughout the urinary tract (kidney, bladder, prostate, and testicular cancers)
  10. Erectile Dysfunction
  11. Genitourinary Tract Injuries
  12. Peyronie's Disease
  13. Priapism
  14. Urethral Injuries

Best Urology Hospitals in India

The best urology hospitals in India offer a complete range of nonsurgical and surgical treatment options using the less invasive and innovative techniques to reduce the recovery time and achieve better outcomes. Our network of hospitals has highly advanced robotic surgery systems which help the top urologists in India to get access of hard-to-reach organs and perform the technically challenging procedures with a lot of precision.

You may choose from among any of the hospitals which are located at Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Kochi, Goa, Kerala, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Noida, Gurgaon, Nagpur, Hyderabad, etc.

What are the various types of Urology Surgeries available?

The various types of procedure under Urosurgery are as under:

  1. Cystoscopy
  2. Ureteroscopy
  3. Endopyelotomy
  4. Inguinal Hernia
  5. Internal Urethrotomy
  6. Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty
  7. Lithotripsy
  8. Nephrostomy
  9. Orchiectomy
  10. Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
  11. Radical Nephrectomy
  12. Radical Prostatectomy
  13. Total Cystectomy
  14. Trans Vaginal Tape
  15. TUR-Bladder Tumour
  16. Transurethral Resection of Prostate
  17. Urethroplasty
  18. Vesicovaginal Fistula
  19. Orchiopexy

What are the most common & popular Urology Surgery procedures?

Cystoscopy : A Cystoscopy is an examination of the inside of the bladder and urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In men, the urethra is the tube that runs through the penis. The doctor performing the examination uses a cystoscope—a long, thin instrument with an eyepiece on the external end and a tiny lens and a light on the end that is inserted into the bladder. The doctor inserts the cystoscope into the patient’s urethra, and the small lens magnifies the inner lining of the urethra and bladder, allowing the doctor to see inside the hollow bladder. Many cystoscopes have extra channels within the sheath to insert other small instruments that can be used to treat or diagnose urinary problems. Patients may have a mild burning feeling when they urinate, and they may see small amounts of blood in their urine. These problems should not last more than 24 hours. Patients should tell their doctor if bleeding or pain is severe or if problems last more than a day.

Ureteroscopy : is an examination or procedure using an ureteroscope. An ureteroscope, like a cystoscope, is an instrument for examining the inside of the urinary tract. An ureteroscope is longer and thinner than a cystoscope and is used to see beyond the bladder into the ureters, the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Some ureteroscopes are flexible like a thin, long straw. Others are more rigid and firm. Through the ureteroscope, the doctor can see a stone in the ureter and then remove it with a small basket at the end of a wire inserted through an extra channel in the ureteroscope. Another way to treat a stone through an ureteroscope is to extend a flexible fiber through the scope up to the stone and then, with a laser beam shone through the fiber, break the stone into smaller pieces that can then pass out of the body in the urine. How and what the doctor will do is determined by the location, size, and composition of the stone. The examination may be performed with either a flexible or a rigid fiber optic device while the patient is under a general anesthetic. The patient is usually free to go home after the examination.

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Phone Numbers Reach Us
India & International : +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
UK : +44-2081332571
Canada & USA : +1-4155992537

Endopyelotomy : is an endoscopic procedure to treat ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction. The kidney is either approached through the Percutaneous Nephrostomy tube (from the side i.e. Antegrade Endopyelotomy) or through the urethra and urinary bladder (Retrograde Endopyelotomy). Endopyelotomy relieves the obstruction in the upper part of the ureter called the renal pelvis. Obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) can be caused by congenital abnormalities like horseshoe kidney, fibrous scarring due to stone or previous operation, a blood vessel which may kink the UPJ or a stone that gets impacted in the upper part of ureter. This can cause damage to kidney tissue and eventually lead to pain, stone formation, infection, high blood pressure, deterioration of kidney function and eventually kidney failure. Endopyelotomy is a popular procedure to relieve all these symptoms. If you have obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) which can be caused by birth defects of the kidney like horseshoe kidney, fibrous scarring due to stone or previous operation, or if you have a blood vessel which may cause your ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) to kink or if you have a stone that gets impacted in the upper part of ureter, then you are an ideal candidate for Endopyelotomy.

Nephrostomy : A nephrostomy is performed whenever a blockage keeps urine from passing from the kidneys, through the ureter and into the urinary bladder. Without another way for urine to drain, pressure would rise within the urinary system and the kidneys would be damaged. The most common cause of blockage necessitating a nephrostomy is cancer, especially ovarian cancer and colon cancer. Nephrostomies may also be required to treat pyonephrosis and kidney stones. Nephrostomies are created by surgeons or interventional radiologists and typically consist of a catheter which pierces the skin and rests in the urinary tract. It is performed under ultrasound guidance, CT fluoroscopy or under image intensifier. Local anesthetic infiltration is used to numb the area where the needle would pass through to make the puncture on the kidney. Newer technologies such as 3D fluoroscopy are being developed to aid in placement of these types of drainage tubes. Urine is collected in an external bag which can be emptied as often as necessary. Care of the nephrostomy tube is important. It is located on the patient's back, so it may be necessary to have someone help with its care. The nephrostomy tube should be kept dry and protected from water when taking showers. The skin around it should be kept clean, and the dressing over the area changed frequently.

Total Cystectomy : Cystectomy is surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder. Total Cystectomy, also known as Radical Cystectomy is surgical is the removal of the entire bladder, nearby lymph nodes (lymphadenectomy), part of the urethra, and nearby organs that may have been invaded by the cancer cells. In men, the nearby organs that are removed are the prostate, the seminal vesicles, and part of the vas deferens. In women, the cervix, the uterus, the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, and part of the vagina are also removed. The ureters are disconnected from the bladder and urinary diversion is created. Cystectomy is a major surgical operation. The patient is placed under general anesthesia. An incision is made across the lower abdomen. The ureters are located, tied and cut. After the operation, the patient is given fluid based nutrition until the intestines being to function normally again. Antibiotics are given to prevent infection of the incision sites. The nature of the organs removed means that there will be major lifestyle changes for the person undergoing the operation. Men will become impotent because nerves controlling penile erection are cut during removal of the bladder. As with any major surgery, there is a risk of infection; in this case infection of the intestine is especially dangerous as it can lead to peritonitis.

Urethroplasty : An Urethroplasty is an operation for the repair of an injury or a defect in the walls of the urethra. Commonly, this involves removal and end-to-end anastomosis for shorter strictures or grafting using buckle mucosa for longer ones. It can be performed by 2 methods; primary repair which involves complete excision of the narrowed part of the urethra. The proximal and distal patent parts are then rejoined. The second method of Urethroplasty utilizes tissue transfer or free graft technique. In this method, tissue is grafted from bladder epithelium or buccal mucosa and is used to enlarge the strictured (narrowed) segment of the urethra. If you have a urethral stricture due to any of the causes i.e. repeated episodes of urethritis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, scarring from a previous surgery, injury or trauma most commonly to the pelvic region or from pressure of a tumor, then you are an ideal candidate for Urethroplasty. The success rate reported for Urethroplasty to treat urethral stricture is 70 - 80%. Urethroplasty has optimal results in case of small strictures (2 cm or less) as well as large strictures i.e. more than 2 cm.

South African Patient Mr. Jude Govender sharing his Urology Surgery Experience in India

Mr. Jude Govender from South Africa

My overall experience with Tour2India4Health has been impressive. It has the best team of doctors and urosurgeons on board with the best hospitals. The best specialist from this team performed my urology surgery with high level of professionalism, excellence, and expertise. I was at ease all through the process and throughout my stay in India.

How to prepare for the surgery?

Being told that you need surgery is not likely to be music to your ears. But there are important questions that you can ask your urologist to reduce your anxiety and help you gain trust in working with your urologist. Go to your appointment with a list of what is on your mind. Here are some things that might help you get the most out of your appointment.

What is the advance procedures available for Urology Surgery?

Robotic Urosurgery : or URobotics, is a new interdisciplinary field for the application of robots in urology and for the development of such systems and novel technologies in this clinical discipline. Urosurgery is among the medical fields with the highest rate of technology advances, which for several years has included the use medical robots. Robotic surgery is in a phase of worldwide rapid evolution. Data from many centers indicate that urologists are achieving equivalent, or better, operative outcomes using a robotic laparoscopic interface compared with their open results. Patients benefit from quicker convalescence, less pain, and shorter hospital stays. Other, URobotics systems are under development. These include image-guided robots that, in addition to the direct visual feedback, use medical images for guiding the intervention. Since MRI provides enhanced visualization of soft-tissues compared to x-ray-based imaging, MRI compatible robots are being developed to assist the physician in performing the intervention in the MRI scanner. If prostate cancer lesions can be delineated in the image, robots can accurately target those lesions for biopsy or focal ablations.

Why prefer Urology Surgery in India?

Medical tourism industry in India is making rapid progress and development serving abroad patients with effective health recovery service and medical treatment options at economical medical expenses. So if you are willing to take Urosurgery in India it will be the best decision you will have ever made. India is not a developing country from medical treatment point of view now; it is already developed under the medical guidance of experienced, talented and skilled Urologists in India. The latest inventions in the medical field have made India a suitable destination for urosurgery. The modern methodologies and facilities at a reasonable price for undergoing any kind of surgery have helped the international patients for coming India for speedy health gains.

The Division of Urology at our state of the art affiliate hospitals is committed to delivering state-of-the-art care to all patients with various urology surgery types involving the kidneys, ureters, and bladder, prostate and sexual organs. India offers advanced urology surgeries which are latest in minimally invasive surgical technique including laser surgery, seed implantation for prostate cancer, shock-wave lithotripsy and percutaneous procedure for urinary stone disease. Female incontinence procedures are often performed as an outpatient procedure. Nerve sparing techniques are routinely used when radical prostatectomy is performed to treat prostate cancer.

Now-a-days the following major industrialized cities are providing urosurgery in India with the presence of vast pool of qualified Urosurgeons to assure you the best facilities during your medical treatment and the experience will be fabulous because you will be provided by adventurous holiday tour packages at an affordable charge.

Mumbai Hyderabad Kerala
Delhi Pune Goa
Bangalore Nagpur Jaipur
Chennai Gurgaon Chandigarh

We have PAN-India level tie ups with TOP Hospitals for Urology Surgery across 15+ major cities in India. We can provide you with multiple top hospitals & best surgeons recommendations for Urology Surgery in India.

How many International patients came to India for Urology Surgery?

The list of TOP 15 countries from where the Urology Surgery Patients travelling to India are given below. The major reason of large number of patients travelling to India for medical treatment from these countries is because of availability of best urology hospitals in India, affordable prices and very good air connectivity, tourism options and many more reasons.

The maximum number of patients for Urology Surgery come from – USA, UK, Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan.

Here are the approximate percentage wise distributions of the patients coming from Top 10 countries to India for Urology Surgery.


Some of the common countries from which patients travel to India for surgery are :

USA UK Canada
Australia New Zealand Nigeria
Kenya Ethiopia Uganda
Tanzania Zambia Congo
Sri Lanka Bangladesh Pakistan
Afghanistan Nepal Uzbekhistan

Below are the downloadable links that will help you to plan your medical trip to India in a more organized and better way. Attached word and pdf files gives information that will help you to know India more and make your trip to India easy and memorable one.

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Phone Numbers Reach Us
India & International : +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
UK : +44-2081332571
Canada & USA : +1-4155992537

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