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Urethroplasty Surgery in India

Urethroplasty is a open surgical procedure for urethral reconstruction to treat urethral stricture. Urethroplasty can be performed by 2 methods; primary repair which involves complete excision of the narrowed part of the urethra. The proximal and distal patent parts are then rejoined. The second method of Urethroplasty utilizes tissue transfer or free graft technique. In this method, tissue is grafted from bladder epithelium, or buccal mucosa and is used to enlarge the strictured (narrowed) segment of the urethra.

Who is an ideal candidate for Urethroplasty?

If you have a urethral stricture due to any of the causes i.e. repeated episodes of urethritis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, scarring from a previous surgery, injury or trauma most commonly to the pelvic region or from pressure of a tumour, then you are an ideal candidate for Urethroplasty.

How do I prepare for Urethroplasty?

A thorough pre-operative assessment by your urologist would comprise of physical examination, urinalysis for the presence of blood and white cells, urine culture for infection and Cystoscopy to confirm the diagnosis of urethral stricture. The standard urethral imaging procedures like Retrograde Urethrogram (RUG) and Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG) will be performed. You will be hospitalized at least one day before the surgery. Inform your surgeon about your other health conditions and medications (including all the prescription, non-prescription medications, nutritional supplements i.e. vitamins, minerals and herbal products). Refrain from taking aspirin or Ibuprofen at least 2 weeks before Urethroplasty. Stop smoking a few weeks before Urethroplasty to prevent healing problems during recovery period. Do not eat or drink any thing for at least 10 - 12 hours before the Urethroplasty.

What does Urethroplasty procedure involve?

Urethroplasty is performed under general anesthesia. Two Urethroplasty techniques are popularly used:

What is the recovery period like following Urethroplasty?

You will be instructed to stay in bed for the next 2 days, you will be given pain killers and antibiotics for the next few days to help you deal with the pain and risk of infection. The indwelling catheter will be retained for 3 - 5 days. Avoid performing strenuous activities like lifting something heavy, playing sports or having sexual intercourse for at least 2 weeks after Urethroplasty. You will be able to perform all your routine daily activities in about 2 weeks time. You will be called in for follow up x-ray to ensure the results of Urethroplasty.

What is the outcome of Urethroplasty?

The success rate reported for Urethroplasty to treat urethral stricture is 70 - 80%. Urethroplasty has optimal results in case of small strictures (2 cm or less) as well as large strictures i.e. more than 2 cm.

Benefits of Urethroplasty

Urethroplasty relieves pain and discomfort during voiding, decrease in urine flow rate, frequent urination due to urethral stricture. Urethroplasty can also reduce your risk of getting orchitis, prostatitis or recurrent urinary tract infection. Recurrence of urethral stricture is rare after Urethroplasty.

Risks of Urethroplasty

Alternatives to Urethroplasty

Decision to have Urethroplasty

Several techniques are available for the treatment of urethral stricture. You will be evaluated pre-operatively to be suitable for Urethroplasty procedure. Discuss the procedure in detail with your physician to evaluate all the benefits and risks associated with Urethroplasty.

Urethroplasty Surgery in India is available in following cities

Mumbai Hyderabad Kerala
Delhi Pune Goa
Bangalore Nagpur Jaipur
Chennai Gurgaon Chandigarh

To get free no obligation Quote For Urethroplasty Surgery in India
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Phone Numbers Reach Us
India & International : +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
UK : +44-2081332571
Canada & USA : +1-4155992537

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