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Pain Free Life After Total Knee Replacement Surgery In India

Minimal Invasive Total Knee Replacement Surgery – Dr. Ashok Rajgopal

My name is Fatema Fahim and I am 75 years old. I live in Oman which is a wonderful country except for the extremely expensive medical treatment for any ailment. Up until a couple of years ago, I was a healthy and very active person. What started as a light pain in my knees became unbearably painful with time. The pain was so severe that I could not even do the daily routine tasks that were required for my daily life. Earlier the pain was caused only when I worked my knees to a certain extent. But slowly it became a constant problem. In fact, I could not sleep at night due to severe pain, and this made it more difficult to carry myself through the day. I could not squat on the floor, not could I offer my daily prayers because I could not bend my knees. This distressed me a lot because I am a devout person and ever since my childhood, I had been offering my prayers five times a day except for times when I was ill.

I was totally bogged down because I could not even walk properly leave alone, taking part in physically strenuous activity. I started being depressed and sulked because of the constant pain in my knees. At home, there was only my husband Ali to look after me as our children were in neighboring Dubai due to their career. Like most other people I tried many oils and ointments, which worked for some time, but slowly they also could not allay the severe pain in my knee. I had to resort to pain killers in spite of knowing the harmful side effects. Such was the pain that even the strong pain killers prescribed by my primary physician did not completely alleviate the pain.

I was a very socially active person, and my friends knew me as the busy body who would be at any place where there was vigorous activity. In fact, I walked for 5 km every day and was completely healthy without any of the problems like diabetes or high blood pressure that most people suffer from at my age. This was the reason that my knee pain distressed me a lot. Even Ali was disturbed due to the change in my behavior.

I missed the times when I was active socially, and now the situation was such that getting up from the chair made me whine with pain. Anyone who has suffered from chronic knee pain will understand what I am saying because life becomes hell for a person who has this ailment. The time came when I had enough of it and my husband decided that we should do something about this. We had heard of knee replacement surgery, but I was very apprehensive about having my knees replaced with something artificial. Then again, I had heard of knee replacement surgeries gone wrong and those people landed up in wheelchairs.

We consulted our primary physician, and he said that knee surgery was the only option because I was suffering from arthritis. He, however, suggested that I see an orthopedic doctor who could give me proper guidance regarding the possibilities with my ailment. He also suggested the hospital I should go to as the doctors there were well qualified. The orthopedic doctor confirmed what my primary physician had said. He said that I had two choices to live with the pain or to get a knee replacement surgery done. The cost of the surgery, however, was exorbitant. Ali was ready to get the operation done at all costs because he could not stand to see me in the pain that I was in.

On the one hand, I was eager to get rid of the pain in my knees and the problems it created with my daily life.

My kids Shayna and Sohail were also concerned about my condition. When we discussed the requirement of a knee replacement operation, my son Sohail asked me to wait for some time, so that he could conduct some research on the best possible option. He and Shayna asked for my medical reports so that they could take the advice of doctors in Dubai. However, these doctors also suggested knee replacement surgery as the only option. On one hand was my fear of the surgery, and on the other hand, I was also worried about the cost of the surgery in Oman and Dubai. Medical treatment in Dubai is even more expensive than Oman. Ali was ready to spend the money if it gave me relief but he too was worried because of the cases that we heard had gone wrong.

I kept suffering till my son and daughter came down to Oman to be with me and explain the importance of knee surgery. They both had conducted some research online and they said that knee replacement surgeries were successful 90% of the times particularly if the patient had a positive attitude. They said that considering the state that I was in it was a risk worth taking. At the same time, during their online research, they had gleaned that knee replacement surgery if done in India would be the best option. They had come across some hospital websites which claimed that the knee replacement surgeries done by them had been 100 percent successful. They suggested that I should go to India and get the surgery done there. This added to my apprehensions of being in an unknown country with my condition.

There would be a long procedure of getting an appointment with the right surgeon along with the flight tickets, hotel accommodation, and other tedious and difficult tasks involved. None of us had been to India and did not know what to expect. My kids, however, tried to allay my fears by telling me about the medical tourism agencies in India. The idea of medical tourism was totally new to me. My kids started explaining the situation by telling me that medical tourism in India had become a major industry and looking at the opportunity many enterprising individuals had formed travel agencies that specialized in medical tourism. These agencies would take care of everything and all I needed to do was to muster up the courage to do the needful. It was also true that they have affordable total knee surgery in India than in Oman.

I finally decided to get the surgery done, when one morning the pain was especially excruciating and I found that I could not get up from the toilet seat. This was when I decided that it was now necessary to take the risk of knee replacement surgery in India. At the same time, the things that my kids had discussed with me provided a sense of relief from the fear that I was carrying. To further allay my fears my kids gave me a list of medical tourism agencies in India and I studied them online. Somehow the name of Tour2india4health- Medical Service Provider struck me as interesting and I studied all the stuff that Shayna and Sohail had collected for me.

I placed a call to this agency and a warm female voice greeted me. She asked me the reason I was calling her and I explained my knee problem. She was very empathetic and said that I had taken the right decision by choosing to opt for knee replacement surgery in India. She said that Tour2india4health group would take care of the flight tickets, hotel bookings, food and other arrangements she also said that she would give me the names and credentials of the doctors performing this kind of procedure. I could choose the doctor based on this information. She said that getting the medical visa and all other bookings of the surgery etc. would take about two months to six months.

She asked me to send her my medical reports and asked for my email address. Within 10 minutes I had received the information as promised. I went through the many different doctors and hospitals, but the name of Dr. Ashok Rajgopal top Minimal Invasive Knee surgeon in India struck me just because in his picture, he seemed to be a warm and down to earth person. Dr. Rajgopal was working with the top hospitals in the country and all the surgeries he had performed were the successful minimal invasive total knee replacement surgery in India. This latter information was something that allayed my fears to some extent. I called up the Tour2india4health consultant and informed the lady regarding my decision. She was quite happy with my decision and said that I was right in choosing Dr. Rajgopal. This is because all the patients who got their surgery done by him were not just happy with the results of the surgery, but also the kind and empathetic attitude that he had.




She forwarded my report to Dr. Ashok and said that she would again get in touch with me after 3 days. I waited for her call and she called exactly after three days as she had committed. Ali had already said that he would be accompanying me although my kids wanted to do that. However, I felt that my husband’s presence would be more comforting and he was the one who had been looking after me all this while. Dr. Ashok was available after a month and the lady said that I was lucky to get the appointment so early. She asked for our travel documents and said that she would apply for a priority visa. The visa would take about a month’s time and this would be good because Dr. Ashok was also going to be available in about that much time.

The lady gave me the names of the hotels where Ali and I could stay in. I studied the reviews of these hotels and chose one that I thought was good. She gave me a quote about room choice, food, hospital, etc. The total cost was much less compared to the money that it would take to do the surgery in Oman. Then again I was getting a doctor like Dr. Ashok. We boarded the flight on the decided day and both of us had butterflies in the stomach. We landed in Delhi and at the airport, a really genteel man collected us and drove to the hotel of my choice and I immediately felt comfortable due to the excellent ambiance and service of the hotel staff. They were very empathetic because they knew that we were medical tourists.

The representative of the travel agency said that he would collect us the next day in the afternoon because Dr. Ashok would be available at that time. Fortunately, the hotel I had chosen was close to the hospital. When we went to the Medanta Hospital Delhi, I was immediately struck by the cheerful ambiance of the place, which was unlike the hospitals that I had seen. The staff was very polite and cooperative, and soon we stood in Dr. Ashok’s room. The room and also Dr. Ashok appeared very warm and soothing.

He immediately realized from my talks that I was worried about the success of the surgery. He said that till now none of the surgeries he had done had failed. At the same time, he showed us some videos and charts which explained the procedure in complete detail. I was supposed to take some tests and Xrays etc. In the procedure for total knee replacement surgery in India, the natural knee cartilage joint is removed and instead a plastic or prosthetic joint is placed. There is a metal part that works like the femur portion and a polymer tray like the part that replaces the tibia portion of the knee and there is a plastic option that works like the patella. The surgery usually takes one to one and a half hours.

Best Knee Surgeon India - Dr. Ashok went into the details further and said that as I was undergoing minimal invasive total knee replacement surgery in India, the incision made would be 3-4 inches instead of the standard 8-12 inches. This ensures that the pain is less and healing faster along with lesser scar tissue. Computer-assisted surgery was the best option because the computer helped in the proper alignment of the knee component during the procedure and this makes the alignment more accurate. The recovery period for each patient was different and I would have to stay in the hospital for about a week. During the stay, I would undergo physiotherapy and this would continue even when I went back home. Within 2-4 weeks of the surgery, I would be fit to drive a car. I went into the operation room in a comparatively relaxed state of mind and my husband visited me every day from the hotel till the time that I was hospitalized.

Soon it was time to go home, and thanks to Dr. Ashok, I am finally rid of the pain and after one year of my surgery, I am back to being the busy body that I was. My husband Ali is also relieved to see me in a better condition and so are my kids.

It has been more than a year now, and I am able to even run at my best with my replaced knee. I don’t even feel that the surgery has been done and I am completely free from all stress and depression that earlier used to create turbulences in my mind and life as well. Atleast I am independent, and this is what makes me confident. Thanks, Tour2india4health- Medical Service Provider for such a smooth movement of life and for the gift of movement you have given me.




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