Dr. S. M. Bose
- Dr. B C Roy Silver Jubilee Research Award for the year 2000 for original and outstanding work in the field of medical and allied sciences done in india Award by Government of India.
- Dr. B C Roy National Award for Eminent Medical Teacher Award by Government of India 1997.
- Pandalai Award , Highest Award of Association of Surgeons of India 1997.
- Prof. B.N.Balakrishna.Rao Oration by Bangalore Surgical Society , 2006
- Dr. Jayaram Orition Award of Karnataka ASI Chapter.
- Parikh Award of M.P. State Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India 2001
- Veerabhai J.B.Agarwal Award of Indian Association of Surgical GE 1999
- Golden Jubilee Award of Delhi State Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India 1997.
- W.H.O. Fellowship - International Award 1995.
- Dr.S.P.Mathur Award of U.P. Surgeons' Association 1995.
- Dr.P.K.Sen Award of A.S.I. 1994.
- Olympian Honours by Cadilla Health Care 1994.
- Dr.A.K.Menda Award of Indian Medical Association 1994.
- U.I.C.C. Switzerland - International Award 1993.
- Dr.N.K.Reddy Award of Andhra Pradesh Surgeons Association 1993.
- Ethicon Visiting Professorship of Association Of Surgeons of India 1991.
- P.G.I. Alumni Association Award of Excellence in Medical Care and Social Service 1991.
- Bharat Gaurav Award by India International Friendship Society 2000
- Best Citizens of India Award 2000 by International Publishing House 2000
- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
- American College of Surgeons.
- American College of Gastroenterology
- International College of Surgeons
- Alumnus, Royal Postgraduate Medical School , London
- Fellow New York Academy of Sciences , New York
- Fellow, Union International Cancer Control , Switzerland
- Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences
- Association of Surgeons of India
- Indian Breast Group
- Indian Society of Gastroenterology
- Indian Medical Association
- Northern Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India
- Fellow of I.M.A. Society of Medical Specialists
- Indian Association of Surgical Oncology
- Indian Association of Colo-Rectal Surgery
- Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenteorlogy
- Indian Association of Endocrine Surgeons
- President , Association of Surgeons of India 2002
- President, Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenteorlogy 1998 and 1999
- Governing Council Member of Association of Surgeons of India 1992-1997