Dr. Navin C Raina
Sr Consultant:
Department of Surgery, Fortis Super-specialty Hospital Mohali (Chandigarh), Punjab,India
- SAGES- Sosiety of American Gastro-Intestinal & Endoscopic Surgeons
- ELSA<- Endoscopic & Laparoscopic surgeons of Asia
- AMASI- Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India
- IAGES- Indian Association of Gastro-Intestinal & Endoscopic Surgeons
- A S I - Association of Surgeons of India
- ACRSI- Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India
- IHA- Indian Hospital Association
- IMA-Indian Medical Association
- FIRST PRIZE-ASI, Annual conference December, 2007
- Research paper presented in annual conference of Association of Surgeons of India(ASI), Bhubneswar, India was awarded First prize.
- Pioneering Surgery in South Asia September,2006
- Did Anal Fistula Plug surgery for treating complex and high Anal Fistulas. This procedure was done for the first time in South Asia and India.
- International Honor March,2006
- Was honored by Dr Antonio Longo, the innovator and inventor of famous Stapler technique for pioneering work done in the field of ano-rectal conditions.
- Awarded Prestigious American Society Membership May,2005
- Awarded membership of the America’s most prestigious society of Laparoscopic Surgery, SAGES(Society of American Gastro-intestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons)
- Founded ABCDE- Assoc. for Breast Cancer Death Eradication Oct,2006
- Founded ABCDE with the aim of creating nationwide awareness about Breast Cancer and reducing to minimum the deaths due to Breast Cancer.
- Founded World Piles Day November 20th every year
- Founded World Piles Day along with Pioneers’ Circle members of India which falls on November 20th every year
- National Youth Award January, 2003
- National Award for medical services in Youth conference in Indore, Madhya Pradesh
- Rotary International Award June, 2003
- Rotary Award for contribution in health services for promoting Immunization in children.